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Our Story

​​​The community, was modelled after “Abraham’s Tent” which was open on all sides and to all people. It promoted family, unity, compassion, kindness, and charity. The motto and guiding light of the foundation they founded, was and still is; “I will seek the lost one, and that which has been cast out I will bring back, and the broken one I will cure” (Ezekiel 34:16).


Till this day Kedma serves as a warm and nurturing home for troubled youth who have gotten in trouble with the law. To read more about their incredible life story read Sara Mandell’s e-book “How to Bring Heaven to Earth, From Las-Vegas to Jerusalem”.


Prof. Mandell’s mother Sara, having a rare an incurable disease called Adiposis Dolorosa aka White Cancer, which western doctors only gave her a few years to live at best for there was no known treatment they could offer her, inspired him to think out of the box and led him to an amazing journey around the world as an independent research scientist who discovered and worked with leading scientists, doctors, and engineers from around the world working on many bleeding edge technologies and with Gods divine help & guidance, the search for answers was made easier in finding treatments and medical technologies that were shrouded in mystery and secrecy that were able to help his mother. The treatments & technologies he discovered were mostly unknown to western medicine.


After his mother being successfully treated by a number of medical technologies and protocols, Prof. Mandell continued to work with and to fund treatments for other patients with incurable diseases and to also fund a number of brilliant doctors & scientists involved in bleeding edge technologies.


Contrary to the expert doctors prognosis of having only a few years left to live, Sara (RIP) passed away in August 2016, 26 years later at the age of 77.


In 2002 Prof. Mandell was nominated as an honorary associate professor to IBR (Institute for Basic Research) by Sir Prof. Ruggero Santilli the founder of IBR; an elustirous and brilliant scientist who was nominated many time for the Nobel Prize in physics & chemistry for his discovery of Hadronic Physics & Chemistry and named as the mathematician of the 20th century.


In 2009 Quantum Medical Centre was set up in Israel with Prof. Mandell being it’s chief scientist and his amazing wife Keren-Or being it’s CEO. The medical centre practiced Advanced Integrative Medicine; combining a number of schools of medicine and advanced medical technologies to treat the root causes of disease.


All of it’s doctors where highly trained as conventional doctors and also work in Israeli hospitals, they were also trained to combine and utilize other schools of medicine and advanced medical technologies which are evidence-based medicine with many peer review medical journal articles. The medical centers’ doctors always implemented “out of the box” thinking and followed a new paradigm of true healthcare, not the current disease maintenance paradigm practiced by most of establishment medicine.


The country of Israel and its regulatory agencies where enlightened enough to provided the required stage for Quantum Medical to pioneer personalized medicine in Israel which led to the medical centre receiving regulatory approval and medical liability insurance on a wide rang of medical technologies which the medical centre introduced to Israel like Medical Ozone Therapy, Bio-Photonic Therapy, Magnetic Resonance Therapy (PEMF), Low Level Laser Therapy, and many other medical therapies and procedures including non-toxic cancer therapies thus enabling and empowering us to take personalized medicine to a new level to the point that it is now more widely accepted in Israel even among many conventional doctors.


Some of the medical treatments have even been included in the basket of medical services & treatments which are now paid for by government national health insurance. We are truly grateful and wish to thank God and all of those government officials who helped us to realize our lofty goals.


As the next generation of the founders of Kibutz Kedma, it was recently decided to setup the Family of Israel Foundation in the USA in order to continue the work they started and to take their life’s mission to a whole new level.


It is our intention and mission to leverage all the knowledge and rich experiences we acquired over decades to support and lead many bleeding edge projects, R&D, and other foundations whose work has a major and fundamental impact on people lives both on a personal level as well as a global one for all humanity.


Israel as the “Startup Nation”, has been truly blessed by God to be one the the most innovative and productive nations in the world. However, because of the geopolitics which pose many challenges to the startup nation, there is a great need for foundations, NGO’s, nations, and communities the world over to join hands in helping the Nation of Israel to realize the Biblical prophecies of the restoration of Israel to its former glory and to her being a “light unto the nations” (Isaiah 49:6).


“For out of Zion shall go forth the law of the Torah, and the word of God from Jerusalem. And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war no more (Isaiah 2:3-4).

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