Our Projects
Translational Medicine
Research, Development & Implementation Project
“Mightier than the tread of marching armies, is the power of an idea whose time has come” (Victor Hugo)
Translational Medicine (TM) is the emerging field which focuses on using what is learned in pre-clinical studies to do smarter things in the clinic. Translational Medicine helps in the course of predicting, preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases. Translational Medicine also uses what can be gleaned in clinical studies to sharpen and improve what is done in pre-clinical efforts to discover new medicines and medical devices. Translational medicine represents a paradigm shift in the biomedical research enterprise whose ultimate purpose is to improve human health via a “bench to bedside” approach.

Translational Medicine is a relatively young area of biomedicine, in which pharmaceutical & Bio-Tech companies use a patient driven approach to drug or medical device development. Translational medicine involves the transformation of laboratory findings into new ways to diagnose and treat patients. Many biotech companies are introducing Translational Medicine departments charged with the task of facilitating the transition of basic research into practical treatments and clinical trials.
Infectious Disease Mortality Reduction Project
with Specific Focus on the Novel Corona Virus
In the United States 99,000 Americans Die of Healthcare-Aquired Infections Every Year while expending $45 billion tax payer dollars. In Europe 2.5 million Europeans die from hospital infections every year; and many millions more globally.
In Israel, 4,000-6,000 die from nosocomial infections (hospital acquired infections) while spending $ 1.5 billion tax payer dollars every year; and this is in a country with a population of just over 8 million people. Nosocomial infections kill more Israeli’s than wars, terror attacks, and traffic accidents combined.

Infectious Disease Mortality Reduction Project
Looking back at the scientific achievements of mankind over the last 100 years including the putting of a man on the moon 50 years ago, is nothing short of spectacular; and yet today 50 years after putting a man on the moon, mankind on earth is still dying by the millions every year from bacterial & viral pathogens they can’t even see, in spite of the judicious use of antibiotics & vaccines. What's wrong with this picture!!!
Isotopic HousingTM! Definition: A home which stands alone and requires no infrastructure whatsoever for water, electricity or sewage treatment making it completely independent.
This new paradigm concept for green sustainable homes and communities is at the heart and centre of the Family of Israel Foundation’s agenda for empowering mankind with the tools, technologies, and know-how to become completely decentralized and truly independent of anyone else for all the basic needs a person or family would require including the production of one’s own food (Hydroponically and organically grown chemical free fruits & vegetables as well as Aquaponic production of fresh fish as a source of high value healthy protein).
We will also include 3D Printing technologies for additive manufacturing which will utilize as its manufacturing feed-stock, plastic made from Hemp that is 10x stronger than steel, half the weight, and biodegradable. This will allow the independent manufacturing of any item or tool which may be needed and can also be used to provide an addition income stream.
One of the hallmark features of Isotopic HomesTM & communities is that in stead of a person having to make a living to provide for a home, the home provides a living for its inhabitants. This is not just some Utopian dream, it is actually something we can do right here, right now! But in order to speed it along, we will need the help of all good people of the world who share our vision.