About the Family of Israel
Our Organization
The establishment of the foundation is a process of transformation and innovation. Daring to dream, daring to transcend while breaking conventional thinking, and daring to act and innovate. The re-birth of the foundation is a result of decades of thinking out of the box, doing what others dare not do, and most importantly, taking the courageous first steps to turn ideas into reality.
Our organization supports, cooperates, and collaborates with doctors, scientists, and engineers from around the world on a wide verity of human endeavours.
We wish to be a model to be copied not just in Israel but all over the world, truly fulfilling the prophecies of “And thou shall be a light unto the nations” (Isaiah 49:6). The Family of Israel is really a global movement for positive social change.
Our Mission
The foundations mission is to support, promote, and lead projects, research and development, and disruptive bleeding edge technologies which will have an impact on peoples lives, both on a personal level, as well as a global one.
Further, we wish to implement many already existing technologies which have been developed over a period of many decades. Our approach is to be like a conductor of an orchestra orchestrating the symphony of technologies and ideas which work together in complete symbiotic harmony for the benefit of all humankind. "One Race, the Human Race; One Kind, Humankind, all for one, and one for all, united we stand, divided we fall". We wish to lead by example!
Our Story
The founder Prof. Pinchas Mandell is the oldest son of the late Reuven & Sara Mandell, a pioneering and idealistic couple who left behind the fame & fortune of Las Vegas out of love & devotion to God and the Land of Israel and followed their forefather Abraham’s example when the Lord told him, “Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto the land that I will show thee” (Genesis 12:1) and immigrated to Israel in 1967 one week after the 6 day war to pursue their spiritual quest, and in 1970 started Kibbutz Kedma, an abandoned Kibbutz for 12 years which was transformed into a vibrant, successful, supporting, and loving community.
Kedma was a place set up to bring the light of the “Torah” to the many lost and confused Jews of the 60’s looking to reconnect to their roots and rich Jewish heritage. Many who came to Kedma were troubled youth suffering from psychological and drug abuse problems. The method they developed at Kedma to bring healing to these people they called “Soul Therapy”.
Our Partners
We are proud to announce the addition of four new partners who we will be cooperating & collaborating with our foundation on a wide range of projects. We are also happy to announce the opening of a new division at the Institute for Basic Research (IBR); The Division for Translational Medicine.
The Institute for Basic Research (IBR) was incorporated in Cambridge, MA, U. S. A., on March 2, 1981, as a nonprofit academic institution with a charter similar to those of local colleges.
The building within Harvard’s compound known as The Prescott House, was purchased in the same year by a Real Estate Trust to provide the main offices of the IBR and of its various scientific activities.

From the left: The Prescott House within Harvard's Compound that was the location of the IBR-USA from 1981 to 1989;the Castle Prince Pignatelli, Molise, Italy, that housed the IBR-Italy from 1995; and the IBR in Florida since 1989.
The inauguration of the IBR occurred at The Prescott House on August 3, 1981, with the presence of the IBR officers and friends, as well as scientists from Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Sweden, Switzerland, Venezuela, West Germany and the USA.
In 1983, IBR received federal tax exemption as a nonprofit academic institution under the classifications 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) and 509(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code.
To ensure long term stability as well as independence, all IBR general administrative expenses are privately supported, while governmental support is permitted for individual members.
Since its inception, the IBR was structured according to divisions in all primary quantitative sciences for the purpose of: conducting research at the true ultimate frontiers of scientific knowledge; organizing international scientific meetings; and housing the editorial offices of scientific journals (visit the IBR Organization for more details).
Membership in the IBR is open to all qualified scholars in quantitative sciences irrespective of nationality as well as of any political, religious, ethnic or other denominations, provided that they conceive research as the pursuit of truly novel basic advances.
Sir Prof. Ruggero Maria Santilli
The scientist who broadened Newton, Galileo and Einstein theories.
Newton, Galileo and Einstein theories solely apply for point particles in empty space. Prof. Santilli first achieved the only known reformulation of Newton, Galileo and Einstein theories for point-like antiparticles in vacuum thanks to his novel isodual mathematics; he then discovered the iso-, geno- and hyper-generalization of Newton, Galileo and Einstein theories for extended particles in interior dynamical conditions of increasing complexity thanks to his yet broader iso-, geno- and hyper-mathematics; and he then discovered the corresponding isodual formulations for interior antimatter problems, for a total of seven different generalizations. For an independent summary of about 30,000 pages over 50 years of research including contributions from numerous mathematicians, theoreticians, chemists, biologists and experimentalists. For more information visit the R.M. Santilli Foundation website.
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